Save the date! Our Annual Chili Dinner and Sleigh Ride will be returning this December! More information will follow soon!
Some Spooky Halloween Event Photos!
We had over 100 kids participate in our Halloween events this year! We loved seeing all the costumes and we had a fa-boo-lus time with all of you! Thanks to our volunteers for making our events possible.
Here are our photo scavenger hunt submissions for May! Thanks to everyone who participated!
Here are some of your fabulous something sweet photos!
Your green photos were fantastic! Thanks to everyone who sent us photos during week two! I can't wait to see what we get for week three (something sweet).
Scavenger Hunt - Week One
We had so many great robin photos! Thanks to everyone who entered our contest!
We had a fantastic fall in Lindenlea last year! Thanks to everyone who participated in our fitness classes and our events.
Summer Activities!
We had so much fun this summer! Thanks to everyone who came to paint, blow bubbles, dance, listen to music, star gaze, do crafts, listen to stories, do yoga, fix lanterns and watch movies! We loved spending time with all of you and we hope to see you in the fall!
Our 100th Anniversary Party Photos!
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate our 100th anniversary with us! We had a fantastic time and we loved catching up with our neighbours and friends. Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who made the day possible. We are so lucky to live in our community.
Canada Day Breakfast 2019
We had a great time wrapping up our 100th anniversary celebrations with our annual Canada Day breakfast. We would like to thank everyone who attended this event! We would also like to thank our many volunteers for making the day possible, We hope everyone had a lovely Canada Day! We can't wait for next year.
We Dig Rockcliffe Park Photos
We were lucky to participate in an archaeological dig in Rockcliffe Park on July 16th-18th. Our community had an amazing time looking for items at the site of an old tea house. We were pleasantly surprised to find some pre contact items at the site. We are working on organizing another dig in the fall with the NCC and the RPRA. Stay tuned for more details!